Artist Statement
I create art because I have to, it's my reaction to the world that surrounds me; specifically, to individuals close to me. It is a relentless urge to translate personal experiences into tangible forms; my creations are my innermost thoughts and feelings. My decisions in art are not haphazard or left to chance, but are carefully thought out actions that attempt to connect/portray complex moments. I want each piece to convey a story that requires thoughtful analysis. The meaning behind these expressions are ever evolving as I experiment with different media and subject matter.
About Me
Norman Silva was born in Nicaragua. Due to a tumultuous political environment, his parents and Norman escaped the oppressive government of Nicaragua and arduously trekked to the United States via the Mexican border. This traumatic experience, along with the civil war he experienced, sowed the seeds of artistic expression. The family settled in Miami, Florida. As other immigrant families before them, they epitomized the cliché, "starting from scratch." The culture shock sprouted the artistic seeds and grew into all engulfing vines.
Mr. Silva received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Maryland Institute, College of Art in Baltimore, Maryland, one of the most prestigious art schools in the United States, and his Master in Fine Arts degree from Florida Atlantic University. He has exhibited various works in galleries throughout the United States.
Ode to Frank